ArtSpam Favourites: February 2021

So, recently the government in the UK just announced the stages in which we will slowly come out of lockdown. And to be honest, I couldn’t be more excited! But as of when my art galleries and museums will re-open?!?!?!? That’s anyones guess. However, I’m not all that deprived of art. I grew up in an art gallery, my parents went to art school and we have so much art around the house. It just makes sense to to do an art post about the art in my house. We have great art around my house. I mean some of the art was made when my sister and I were four, but that’s beside the point. My parents have great taste in art, and have collected some little nuggets along the way. I made my dad help me photograph the art, sculpture-random-collectable-thing. I don’t know half of what we photographed or where it came from, all I know is that it’s been in the house almost as long as I have. So, without further ado here are my top ten favourites for February.

1.Vietnamese Zodiac by Lau Phuong Nguyen 1997.

2. Box of Origami Cranes. I have no idea how many there are, but I know that there are over 150.

3. Vintage Race Car circa. 1960/70s

4. Lady Refreshing in the Summer Evening, Sadanobu IV Hasegawa from the ‘Kawara Yusuzumi’ series. 20th Cen.

5. Japanese Kokeshi Dolls circa.2019.

6. Stone Carved Ganesh. Rajasthan, India circa 2009/10.

7. Papier Mache Hand Painted Cow. Rajasthan, India circa, 2009/10

8. The Letter ‘T’ by Jonathan Wilkes

9. ‘Love to Learn’ by Caroline Coon. Early 21st Cen.

10. ‘Hussain Chalayan’, London Fashion Week 2000 A. J. Grant


Art Spam Favourites: March 2021


ArtSpam Favourites: January 2021