I watched the Four Hour Justice League Snyder Cut so you don’t have to

(Actually I watched it twice)

Fans of the DC comic universe have been screaming for Zack Snyder to do a cut of his brain child ‘Justice League’ since the version that was cut by Joss Whedon sank like a lead balloon. Even the actors themselves from Jason Mamoa and Gal Gadot sent out the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut on Twitter. The thing is, Zack Snyder may have been a little reluctant to do so. First of all you are kinda shitting on the work done by veteran comic superhero movie director: Joss Whedon, which isn’t cool and. Also, you know. His daughter had just died.

Okay, so we all have seen Joss Whedon’s version of Justice league… and it was not good. Like there were bits of it that were cool. Like the soundtrack. Everyone knows that a good soundtrack can make up for a terrible film. Sigrid’s version of ‘Everybody Knows’ is just beautiful! There were certain bits of comedy in the Joss Whedon version that I really liked. For example, the ‘Flash’s’ whole ‘we’re going to wake him up in a yay he’s back kinda way, not a pet cemetery way… right?’. Basically the best thing about the Joss Whedon version was Ezra Millers comedic timing.

But yes, the Snyder Cut is four hours long, luckily it is split in to several parts so you can have a mini break in between. Its shown in 4:3 aspect ratio which confused the heck out of me at first  because I thought my TV was broken. However, the plot has been fleshed out more, for example we see why the mother boxes awoke in the first place, in more detail. There is more back story on Victor Stone AKA Cyborg played by Ray Fischer, the plot really ups the stakes on who he is and his motivations in the film; it explores the complex relationship he has with his father who used the mother boxes to ‘save’ his life - Ultimately turning him into a cyborg. I think it’s a huge shame that it was passed over in the 2017 version of the film. It adds texture and complexities to the character and Ray Fischer does it justice (no pun intended).

There is also more to the story of Steppenwolf and he has high stakes in this game a well, he turns from this stereotypical baddie of ‘I-wanna-burn-things-for-the-hell-of-it’ to an actual three-dimensional character, I almost felt bad for him. Almost, but he still wants the Earth to burn. So maybe not. Steppenwolf has a debt to pay, he must burn 50,000 more before he can return back into the fold with his even more sinister master Darkseid. It seems to be going rather well for him too, he has found the equation for anti-life which has been hidden on Earth for thousand- if not millions of years.

Pretty much everything looks so much better from the graphics to how the villain looks, essentially in the 2017 version you can tell its on a set and you can really really tell that they used green/blue screen. Yeah its not great. But clearly in the Snyder version they took the damn time to make it look slick! Also we have to talk about the script. In the 2017 version, it was a little cheesy and lacked depth and, as such, heart. I must give credit where credit is due, however, to the actors because they did try their damed best. Now it seems effortless. Also the plot makes a little more sense. They say the devil is in the details and that’s probably why this version is four hours long.

Barry Allen aka The Flash, we luckily get more of him and the relationship he has with his father. I miss the humour as I’ve earlier said. The aesthetic of him was better laid down in the 2017 version. For example when Bruce Wayne visits him in his place, there was flashing lights, k-pop blasting. It was just fun and added texture to the ‘Surprise there’s someone creepily waiting for you in the dark!’ But there is a wonderful moment where Bruce gets all serious and Barry is like ‘I’m In’! Also there’s still a little humour to him!

Wonder Woman is possibly my favourite super hero because she’s just one badass woman. Her story arch is helping Batman (Bruce Wayne) put together a team of amazing people/ beings to defend Earth. There is a brilliant scene where she uncovers the history of Steppenwolf and Darkseid on a series of wall paintings and how all the original defenders of earth stopped the first invasion. Its pretty cool.

Aquaman really hates the Atlantians. I mean, talk about childhood trauma. I would say its text book but it’s not everyday that your mum leaves when you’re a child to rule an underwater kingdom that nobody knows about. Oh and you can talk to fish. He’s reluctant, suspicious and doesn’t trust anybody, lest of all this truce that has been formed between all of them. At least not to begin with. It’s not until Steppenwolf takes the second Mother Box that he begrudgingly accepts to join. Furthermore he is pretty much the voice of reason when they want to bring back Superman, it sounds like a bad idea, it probably is a bad idea. It was a bad idea. To begin with. But then it kinda became okay-ish.

Bruce Wayne, is not as riddled with guilt in this cut as with the film we saw in 2017. Snyder’s cut focuses more on trying to save the Earth, using Superman as an example. The guilt is less prevalent however. The Kryptonian ship served as proof that in the universe: we are not alone. Superman was the defender of Earth, the ultimate and arguably the best. With superman gone who is there to take the helm? So an army/alliance must be formed.

Bruce is the bridge between everyone, no he doesn’t have any super powers. As he says the Barry Allen when asked: “I’m rich” .I mean that’s just a massive flex. But enough about Batman, we get more Alfred! Adorable charming Alfred. I liked the line Bruce says ‘This is Alfred - I work for him’ that’s just a great acknowledgement of the work that Alfred has done for him over the years despite still saying ‘Master Bruce’ it gives an element of equality which is refreshing to see. In the Christopher Nolan version of Batman (which is amazing by the way) Alfred is more of a father figure and confidant. 

To to conclude, I adore the DC comic universe, a lot more that I do the Marvel Universe. (No offence to Marvel) There is a lot to be said about Marvel; it’s a lot more optimistic in its outlook and it usually has a happier ending. Thus, the mistake that was made in 2017, I think, was that they tried to frame DC comic book characters like Marvel characters. However, what I like about the DC universe is that is closely mirrors real life. Okay true, there isn’t a real superman (much to my disappointment) and there isn’t a psychotic authoritarian alien out to destroy and take over Earth. But the DC universe is a lot darker, but shows a deeper insight into human nature, you have Wonder Woman and Superman trying to understand what it is to be human and the complex characters like The Joker. This new version of ‘Justice League’ did just that and more. I know I said ‘I watched this so you don’t have to’ but I highly recommend you do.


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