2021 Round Up! Top 5 Books of 2021

So here’s the yearly round up! I do realise that I haven’t posted a proper book review in a while, but hay. New Years resolution is that I get back on schedule with posting and reading books, books and more books!

However, I would like to dedicate this post to my top 5 favourite books! They’ve covered the raucous 1920’s flapper girls to the complexities of murder right down to the nitty gritty of communism on a farm over run by animals. I have journeyed through quite deserted paths to houses lost to time, and be shipwrecked for months in end at sea in the company of an adult bengal tiger. Some of these books have been amazing, heartfelt, disturbing and ridiculous. But they’ve made my travels through the fire of 2021 a little less treacherous.

‘The Life of Pi’

Quite honestly the most stunning book i’ve ever read, the story of a boy lost at sea in the company off a Bengal Tiger is sublime. it is a journey of self discovery and spiritualism whilst in a hopeless situation.

‘I Give It To You’

This book was intriguing, it was meta and unreal. the feel of the hot Italian sun was felt on my face as I explored its pages. the ending was so surprising and sad, it is a tragedy. not in the dramatic sense, but in the human sense.

‘The Philadelphia Story’

A play made it to my list because this is a great one. its a classic that is mostly known for the stellar cast in the film. but this play speaks in its own right, its utterly fabulous , good fun and beautifully light hearted. its one of the few books on this list that’ll make you laugh.

‘The Pursuit of Love’

Sometimes women are idiots. It’s true and we all know it. Our lead watches from the sidelines as another women pursues love all over the world. it is fearless and brave, love can make fools of us all. And thank god for it, because we wouldn’t have this books otherwise.

‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’

I know I said women are sometimes idiots. but this is about a girl who acts dumb but is as sharp as a knife and knows exactly how to get what she wants. its delightful from start to finish and Marilyn Monroe does her justice in the spectacular film. never judge a book by its cover and nothing is just a pretty face.


Beauty and The Beast (Play)


Book Review: As You Like It