A Winter Haiku

Utagawa Hiroshige Meguro Drum Bridge and Sunset Hill 1857

Seeing as winter is on its way, and I haven’t finished my current book to review this week. I thought I’d share something that reflects the changing of the seasons. Winter has arrived and although the sun shines brightly outside my window, the steaming cup of tea in my hands is what warms deep inside.

The Kingdom of Japan does seasonal poetry unlike anyone else, the Haikus are short, but full of meaning. So, rather that reviewing it, I thought I’d just let it sit with you a while, on this sunny but cold wintery day in November.




Let’s go out

To see the snow

Where we shall slip and fall.

Poem by Matsuo Basho (1644-1694)


The Soldier


Book Review: The Turn Of The Screw