Book Review: Twisted Hate

Okay! Here we go chaps another piece of the delightfully trashy romantic streamy saga that makes up the ‘Twisted Series’. Normally I would’ve read a couple more classics or ‘high brow’ literature in between, but I wanted to know what happened next and learn more about these complicated characters. So, I deviated slightly from my reading list and jumped back into the fray. I have one more book to go in this series, I don’t know how I will cope once it's over. They’re just deliciously addictive!


This time we have enemies to lovers story here. Maybe enemies is too strong a word for what this is. Do our main characters Jules and Josh despise each other? Yes, very much so. But I wouldn't say they were enemies as such. Okay, do they spar with witty repartee at every chance they get and fight to get the last word? Of course they do! Is Josh the world’s biggest fuck boy? Yes. Can Jules equally get any man she desires? Also yes. There is a double standard here which Jules doesn’t jump on. Sure, she can get any guy she wants, doesn’t mean (unlike Josh) she’ll sleep with them- because of the whole slut shaming thing, you know?


How can two people who seemingly hate each other end up together? They start off hate fucking each other of course. Do they get off on it? Yes. Are they masochists? Also, yes. Do they eventually fall head over heels in love and refuse to admit it to each other because they’re both stubborn AF? Abso-bloody-lutely. Yet, it wouldn’t be an Ana Huang novel if their relationship wasn’t fraught with difficulties: Ghosts from the past, horrendous fathers, blackmail, theft, and a touch of attempted murder? Oh yeeeaaahhhh. Hold onto your hats chaps it’s a bumpy ride. But, as the mother always said: the course of true love never did run smooth.


This isn't my favourite book in the series, it wasn’t as deliciously satisfying as Twisted Games or Twisted Love, where the wait, and the build-up was done beautifully. Possibly because the stakes were so much higher in those two novels. But I can’t fault this on the steaminess levels. I mean, I thought Twisted Games made me blush. Oh boy, just wait; is it hot in here or just me?

I’m rather looking forward to the next one ‘Twisted Lies’. Watch this space!

Read my other Twisted Series reviews:

 Twisted Love

Twisted Games


Book Review: Five Little Pigs


Book Review: The Haunted Hotel