Snow: Basho (1644-1694) Ueno, Japan

Since I’ve gotten a cat, life has changed. I wake up earlier, I occasionally have scratch marks on my hands… and feet and sometimes I nearly have a heart attack when the little black blur comes at me in the darkness. Its okay. I’ve gotten used to it by now.

I also now have a few cat pics around the place, whether they be photographs, drawings or paintings they’re there. Their multiplying at an alarming rate. I am becoming a cat lady. I love it. But the thing about most of my paintings of cats is that they’re from the East: Japan and China. And I’m cool with that, being half asian myself, I’m rather loving the indulgence. Therefore I figured it was only fitting that todays post be about a cat, an ode to my furry friend, and its from the east- Japan. Now its not really fitting with the current climate, because its set in winter and right now sunshine is streaming through my window.. but who cares. I like this poem, and therefore, you will top. Like it or not.

Snow (Basho 1644-1694 Ueno, Japan)

Snowing on and on, hailing on and on

Falling and falling, higher and higher

Mountains and fields wear cotton hats

Every withered tree a white umbrella.

Snowing on and on, hailing on and on

Falling and falling, still not stopping.

Dog joyfully runs about the garden

Cat curls up inside the kotatsu.

What I love about this is that, in spite of the cold bitter weather outside, a cat is curled up, fast asleep without a care in the would. The cat is warm, peaceful, quiet. And quite frankly, who wouldn’t want to be a cat?


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