Banana Bread


Do y’all remember the time during lockdown 1.0 when everyone was baking and making banana bread? And, you couldn’t gets eggs or flour for love or money! It was kind of a pain in the arse when you wanted to bake something that wasn’t banana bread, but because everyone was baking banana bread there were no baking supplies. Go figure. So I did not bake banana bread, as I have already mastered the art of banana bread, I just made endless amounts of cookies (recipe to come later)

But here’s the thing about Banana Bread: Its tasty, simple, everyone likes it ands its very difficult to get wrong… unless you forget about it and leave it in the oven to burn. Then, shame on you!


2 Ripe Bananas

2 tbsp of Runny Honey

150 Grams of  Caster Sugar

150 Grams of Margarine

2 Large Eggs

2 tbsp of Coconut Yogurt

150 Grams of Self Raising Flour

1 tsp of Vanilla Extract


Preheat your oven at 180 degrees, line a bread tin with grease proof baking paper.

Beat the margarine and sugar together in a bowl, after add the eggs one at a time. To stop the mixture from curdling add a tea spoon of self raising flour to the mixture. Slowly add the flour and mix together.

In another bowl peel two bananas, add the honey and mash together (don't worry if its a little lumpy) once its all mashed and mixed together add the yogurt.

Combine both of them together in one bowl. Then pour the mixture into the tin and bake for 55 mins, to check that its cooked put a knife into the centre of the cake.

for decoration, dissolve 100 grams of sugar in a pan with a cup of water, wait for it to boil and turn to a golden brown colour. You've just made caramel! Add slices of banana to the top of the cake along with a dusting of icing sugar. then pour the caramel on top!


*Especially nice with a cup of Earl Grey Tea ;)


Eggs, Soya, Gluten (I cannot promise that the recipe ingredients will not have traces of nuts so be careful!)


Peanut Butter and Raspberry Cookies