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Feel Good Season 2 Episode 1
Welcome back chaps, we are hitting it off with season two of this fabulous tv show. So recap! Where did we leave off, well Mae relapsed, she and George broke up after a disastrous stand up where Mae was honest about her relationship and decided to make fun of it (not cool hun), she slept with Lava, is broke and has decided to go back to Canada . Phew. Oh and Phil, because Phil is great. We like Phil. also I forgot how hard it is to watch and type, but hay, let’s give it a whirl!
Okay so we’re in Canada. Fun times. Mae is in the car with her parents and its awkward. At least the bdad is nice about it. Oh its rehab… oh damn. Oh Lisa has locked the door and is now spewing some dreamy poetry that… I have no idea what it means but hay! Its nice of her… I think…
She has been reunited with old friends, and Mae is British apparently, so she won’t jump out the window.. huh. We do that over here, just an FYI. But only in extreme cases… oh who is Mae texting! Who is this mystery human?!?!?!
Ah George, what in the heaven is she doing… ah purging… because the amazon is disappearing and there is no habitat for the bees. Because we all like bees… and is Mae coming back? Because I think George is in denial and Phill is…Trying to be rational about Mae, George and the bees… ohh dear ‘rancid pile of duff’ is actually Phil’s dads stuff… because Phil’s dad left him when he was a kid. That’s sad. We do like Phil. He’s great, he been though a lot. And DEFO needs a hug.
What does Mae identify as? Something like Ryan Gosling, but not really a woman. And she has a roommate who thinks Mae is the Queen of England and she’s kinda gross and a horrible human but she recognises Mae from somewhere, and it’s DEFO not from her comedy.
Group therapy. Marsha pissed in the rice so now she can’t eat rice? Does that mean everyone else has to eat the rice… ew. What cycles are we trying to break? Someone really likes fire, Marsha is a passive aggressive bitch who looks like she at one too many chicken nuggets. And Mae is addicted to a person… so how do you fix it… you have to let go? Ah its called emotional dependancy. Mae has to stand on her own two feet…. Oh Marsha knows Inkboy… where have I heard that name before…? This isn’t going to end well
Mae has called George! And George is happy and phill just wants to say hi! George don’t be mean. Mae you are NOT IN A FOREST YOU ARE IN REHAB WOMAN BE HONEST!… wait whaaaa, Mae wants to move out…? I’m flummoxed, and so is George.
Oh Marsha has figured something out. She recognises Mae… Mae own Inkboy money… and Marsha just punched Mae… oh damn Mae is in trouble. Ah crap. I thought Canadians were supposed to nice people?!?!?!
Why do some people need help to exist? Mae was young and very vulnerable the first time she went too rehab, and she doesn’t remember much. That’s because of trauma apparently. Ah Mae we know this tune, this is called denial. Oh damn Mae was 15 when she went to rehab. Early relationships?? Maes early relationships, were not good, she’s panicking and then someone comes to get her and she snaps out of it. Ah this seems like a friend. How long has she been in rehab? A day? How much is the bill for rehab?
Ah George is sad, in the midst of her purging mess. Ahh the irony. Oh and George is going to help Phil find his dad.
Ah comedy clubs, those dingy little places, sound effects and Mae is coming up to do some co-me-dy! Heh Mae! What the heck was that?!?!?! You kissed the…guy? Whaaaa. Have I missed something? Oh and the sound is all funny, somethings not right.. what’s happening is she okay? She isn’t okay. Somethings wrong. Very wrong.
Why is Mae under a sofa? Ahh a panic attack. What is causing these? Ahh what’s this with the past? It was crazy. And real. And tough - but they can talk about it. However it looks like Mae is not so enthusiastic about it, because - Trauma. That ol’ thing.
Ahh a sit down with the family. She’s on lockdown. There’s a schedule. Oh and Mae if you’re 30 years old and “not a child” WHY ACT LIKE ONE THEN!!!!
Ah a staff party with George, and her boss Joyce is a bit mental and George is leaving and Joyce… is cool with it… Ohhh who is this lovely new fella, his name is Elliot. Ah there’s a lot of ‘labels’ like ‘bi’ and ‘poly’ I scant really keep up with these. I need a list with some clear definitions not that sex and gender really has any clear definitions these days. Oh and George wants to help the kinds engage with the bees and social activism! Nice. You go George!
I love Joyce she’s so nonplussed about everything dancing around the place holding two burgers. Nice.
Jesus Mae, Where are you going?!?! I really feel for her parents, they’re trying really hard. Oh Mae is back in London and living with Jack… she’s not okay.. ah George she slept with Elliot and Mae is back under the the bed. So, Mae is more that ‘not okay’ she a little bit of a kinda enormous mess. Her mental health really needs looking after - And to accept that there is a problem. You know, the first step to solving a problem is accepting that there is one in the first place.