Book Review: Love on the Brain

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a community of women trying to mind their own business must be in want of a random man’s opinion

This was another fun read. You don’t spend the entire weekend being unwell without needing something warm and gooey to cheer you up. And this was just what I needed. A wonderful feminist, women-in-STEM-led novel with a yummy scrummy male lead thrown in. Delightful. It’s also kinda spicy 🌶️

Okay, as with the last book. The science was a little lost on me but the field of neurology does sound pretty incredible. Who knew that stimulating certain parts of the brain could help you focus more, or make you forget the unforgettable lyrics of ‘Oops I Did It Again’ by Britney Spears. Our Female Lead, Bee is pretty wonderful. And cool. She’s seriously cool. I wanna dye my hair purple and make my bathroom look like I’d just killed a unicorn. However, I don’t envy her job situation. I don’t feel like suffering fools. Aka an overly inflated male ego. On the plus side, she gets to escape and hang out with engineers and astronauts at NASA. The downside is that she has to work with her nemesis Levi - who notoriously made everyone in Grad school painfully aware of just how much he hated her. Or so it seemed…

I will say Ali Hazelwood’s books are making me reconsider academia. I do kinda miss it. Was it as stressy as it is in her books.?Yes. Did I enjoy it? Also yes. Is the pursuit of knowledge - the hunger to understand the human race and all its complex intricacies worth it? Heck yes.

Perhaps not the spiciest book I’ve read this far. But spicy books being our favourite BookTok trend - this barely scrapes the surface. I think. BookTok will get spicer as I delve deeper.

All in all, defo worth the read.


Book Review: A Court of Thorns and Roses


Book Review: The Love Hypothesis