Book Review: The Love Hypothesis

“You ooze moodiness”

“I do not”. he sounded indignant, which struck her as oddly endearing.

Well, this was a rather fun read. I often say that romance novels are fun and trashy reads- that you don’t really have to think too much to enjoy them. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. But you kinda had to focus on this one, or at least I did. Maybe because I’m no scientist and I had to Google quite a lot of the terminology.

 Essentially, this book came at a time when I’m considering applying for Grad school, and I'm just glad I'm not applying for the sciences because quite frankly I don’t fancy spending all night looking after mice. But that’s what our main character, Olive, does (Bloody love the name). Looks after mice because she wants to find a cure – well maybe not a cure – but a way to diagnose pancreatic cancer early so that it increases a person's chance of survival. Which is pretty damn noble I must say. So that’s the sciencey bit (well, there’s a lot more, but a lot of it I don’t get) now to the main plot-romance bit.

 So, Olive broke up with this guy called Jeremy – he was okay, but not her type. Her BFF Anh has a massive crush on Jeremy and I think Jeremy likes her too. But then there is this unspoken girl code that you don’t fuck with your bffs ex. So, to make Anh think that she is well and truly over Jeremy (she is – couldn’t care less about the man) she lies and says she has a date (she doesn’t) and nearly gets caught in the lab – so Olive grabs the first man she sees says “can I kiss you?” and well, it goes from there. BFF is happy. Small problem. She just HAD to make out with Adam Carlen – evil incarnate to all grad students, the department's golden boy and now, Olive’s fake boyfriend. Let the delicious scieney-mushy-gushy-abso-fucking-lutely-adorable-pumpkin-spice-latte plot unfold. You don’t need to do the math to figure out where this one is going. It's inevitable. And took me two days to read.

 The small downside I would say is- in spite of this being a damn good happy read- it wasn’t as 🌶️🌶️🌶️ as I was expecting/hoping for. That won’t stop me from reading the other books by this author though ;)


Book Review: Love on the Brain


Book Review: I’m Glad My Mom Died