
It looks to me that spring is well on its way! (Finally, might I add) and thus to celebrate the coming of warmer weather I have here a very simple, but tasty, recipe perfect for the warmer days to come! It is Bruschetta! That delectable mix of fresh tomatoes, drizzled in olive oil, balsamic vinegar and covered in fresh basil and – should you wish – mozzarella on warm toasted bread. If you feel like being transported to Italy, then try this! If not, no problem, ignore me. And if you’re Italian, forgive me.


Fresh Basil (helps if you grow your own, there’s nothing quite like fresh herbs straight from the garden)

Dried Basil

Olive Oil (to taste)

On-The-Vine-Tomatoes X 4 (alternatively cherry tomatoes work very nicely)

Balsamic Vinegar

Bread of your choice, I personally like it on focaccia or on a baguette; lightly toasted.

Garlic X 2 cloves (or however much you want)

Salt and pepper

One mozzarella ball (optional)


 1.     Wash and clean your tomatoes. Dice them into 8ths, be careful not to destroy the structure of them. If you’re using cherry tomatoes chopping them into halves is perfect!

2.     Add them to a nice big glass bowl.

3.     Add liberal amounts of olive oil, salt, and pepper to taste followed by two teaspoons of dried basil.

4.     Finely chop your garlic and add that to the bowl and then mix.

5.     Let it marinade for 30 mins in the fridge.

6.     While your mixture is marinating take out your frying pan and add some olive oil and turn the stove on to a low heat.

7.     Slice your bread down the middle. Do not butter.

8.     Take out your mozzarella and slice into nice even pieces.

9.     Lightly place your bread into the pan and turn occasionally so it does not burn.

10.  Once toasted load your bread onto a serving plate, grab your mixture from the fridge and evenly distribute your tomatoes.

11.  Add your mozzarella and drizzle some balsamic vinegar on top.

12.  Grab and handful of fresh basil, lightly chop and sprinkle on top!

13.  Serve with a nice glass of white, preferably somewhere with a terrace (please don’t just wander onto someone’s terrace you’ll look mad)


Serves 4-6 people, or if you’re feeling greedy…. Enjoy!

Allergens: gluten, wheat, dairy


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