Mince Pies

It’s that time of year again. The one where you get all snuggly next to the fire whilst snow falls gently on the window sill. OR its that time when you’re stressed with all the Christmas shopping, the in-laws are coming to town and you thought you’d be smart this year and buy all your presents online during the Black Friday weekend but because you ordered on Black Friday everything is delayed and you have no idea when you’re gifts will arrive. Also wrapping presents is a small nightmare.

However, I like wrapping presents! But I did have to throw the cat out of the living room because she just went mad at the tissue paper. But no worries, its the festive season! Also my favourite time of year, and as it is I thought I’d share my super-secret-highly-guarded recipe for mince pies. You’re welcome in advance ;)


X1 Jar of Mincemeat filling (I realise that this is cheating, but I don’t care)

12 Oz of Plain Flour and some spare!

9Oz of Unsalted Butter

X 2 Medium Egg

4 Oz of caster sugar

1x Lemon for zest!

1tsp of Cinnamon 


  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius

  2. Rub the flour and butter together in a bowl until you get a fine crumb like texture

  3. Add one of your eggs until it combines into a dough

  4. Sprinkle some flour onto a flat surface.

  5. Before you kneed your dough add the lemon zest and 1 tsp of cinnamon, then knead it all together!

  6. Roll out your dough until its 2 mm thick. I like quite thin pastry, but by all means make it thicker if you wish!

  7. Butter your baking tray. I have a special tray for making mini tarts/ mince pies etc.

  8. Get 2 different sized cutters and cut out your bottoms and your tops!

  9. Place the bottoms in the tray

  10. Spoon 1 tsp of mincemeat into the pastry and add your top!

  11. In a separate bowl whisk your other egg

  12. Glaze your pies with some of your eggy mixture

  13. Pop in the oven for 20 mins!

  14. once out of the oven let them cool before dusting with some icing sugar!

Enjoy and Merry Christmas!





Spicy Sweet Potato and Squash Soup