BBC Murder is Easy: Episode 1

If you’re new here, this is how it goes. I watch a television show and try and type as I watch and, the below article is the result. Essentially it’s a long, rambling, lucid and maybe slightly manic review while I watch. There will be typos. I try not to in the ensuing edit process afterwards. But I may miss a few. Maybe all of them so you can capture my slightly insane thought process? Anywho, the BBC have done a new version of Agatha Christie’s ‘Murder is Easy’ and, if you are new here, let me tell you: I love Agatha Christie! So hold on tight and here we go!

Ooo so the leading man is black - I like how they tie it in with the Windrush generation. Very relevant. This could add some interesting layers - especially around suspicion. Oh, we’ve met a lovely old lady. Is this a marple? I haven’t read the book so I haven’t a clue. Nope, not a marple.

Ah, but there have been murders. The cinematography is creepy AF. But that heightens the tension I suppose. That old lady’s going to die, isn’t she.  I can see that coming a mile away. Why? Because she spread the word. Wait - isn’t the male lead that guy in Industry?

Oh damn. I do hate it when I’m right. Yup. She’s dead - hit by a car. Oooffff. Luke (our male lead) will solve her murder! (I mean c’mon it’s an Agatha Christie- of course he will solve the murder)

Ah, some conversations about colonialism. Cool. Chill. Okay- they are necessary. Here’s praying that our Luke actually does have this job in Whitehall because that’s one hell of a trip from Nigeria to London for, well, nothing really. Or is it? Looks like he’s off to solve the little old lady’s murder. And hear the inquest. Oh, he’s lying. To a very pretty lady, Bridget. Says he’s an anthropologist. Okay then. Let’s go with that. Looking at Nigerian and British superstitions. You know what? that’s so mental no one should believe it but they do because it’s so mental.

Do we love an interesting and awkward dinner party? All the suspects are here! Strap in ladies and gents. Let the games begin! “Another tragic accident” Yeah, no the little old lady was murdered! God this is an awkward dinner. Suspicion is flying around like a moth around a flame.

Oh crap! The vicar is dead too. Oh, wait. Fainted. My bad. Talk about dramatic. I can feel the hairs on my neck standing on end.

Nope, but someone else just died. Amy - a maid. Bloody hell. “Mixed up the bottles” that doesn’t sound right “Silly girl who mixed up the bottle - a silly accident” Man that doctor needs a smack. Oh, and the vicar has an infection… hmmmm. Me thinks mischief is afoot. Well obviously. But Luke is now intrigued. He’ll solve the murder.

So how do you drown a man? Oh no! Someone’s after Luke now… damn. He’s rather good looking is Luke. Wow. I beg your pardon.

Okay, Bridget is onto Luke. I think she’s going to help him solve the murder. Oh, this should be good.

Oh, there was only one bottle… and they say the most recent murder mixed bottles up…

What’s the connection chaps between the murders?!?!? So Luke has to literally go to the “other side of the tracks” Lord. Lol, his presence is about as welcome as champagne at an AA meeting. Ooo wait. A clue! dr Thomas doesn’t like poor people and only gives them codeine linctus. As he did with all the murder victims. Hmmmm.

So now Luke is seeing the doctor. Let’s see what happens… “judicious elimination” okay doc. You’ve just made yourself a major suspect “Would a murderer be so frank” and the doc has some German medical books. Some of them are about race. Okay, that man is creepy af.

Ooo, it turns out the major speaks some African languages. Neat. Ah, the Major’s wife had a sudden relapse of health. Me thinks murder!

Okay so Bridget and Luke are discussing suspects and the doctor is the main man. But it’s too obvious for my liking. Too easy. But who could the next victim be?!?!?

Oh dear. It was the vicar. He was the next victim. And that’s it!


Watch With Me: Murder is Easy Episode 2


Feel Good Season 2 Episode 1