Watch With Me: Murder is Easy Episode 2

Annnd we’re back. Let’s see what episode 2 brings. I hope no one else dies. Lord that would suck. Well, the stage is set- people are dead and the suspects are all lined up. Let the whodunnit commence! I also apologise for my ramblings. This is what happens when you watch television and type at the same time.

Again the cinematography is creepy. Another murder another funeral. Why does Luke want a chat? Something is afoot with the vicar’s widow. He’s making his suspicion known. Ahhh I think Rose is now realising how messed up the doctor is. Good for her. Those race books are bad hoodoo. Go like. Okay, so he’s just earned the animosity of the doctor. Oooo and the vicar’s widow now believes him! There are developments! And now the village is starting to get suspicious of all these deaths that were ruled as “accidents”. Finally.

The village is not happy and slowly turning against the doctor. There is an unhappiness against the wealthier parts of town. Predictable, there is only one way that ends. Well, two - and both of them (historically speaking) usually end in death.

Okay, Bridget. Why would you marry the idiot? (his lordship) Although I kinda get it. Women of that time - they need security.

Ooo now the creepy dreams of forests and burning idols. An Ikenga.

Ah crap another scream. Six people are dead already. And now it’s the Chauffer. Oh damn. Also, his lordship is a weasel.

And now a meeting with the Major. But the major is right, there is no proof. So you just have to find it. And the Major is magnificent he’ll help with some digging!

Why is Bridget having an engagement party? Bit ill-advised isn’t it? But Luke looks snazzy all the same.

Isn’t Bridget pretty in pink? Just like a doll. But she doesn’t look happy. And who the heck calls Dom Perignon “dom peri”? What a tosser.

Oooh the library is full of unusual African masks. Pretty cool actually. BUT WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?!?!? Ah, an Ikenga.

“Powerful men decide - women like us survive” This party is hecking nuts. but thats an interesting saying.

Ah, the good doctor is here and trying to win someone over. And it’s not working. yeah, those German race books spoke volumes - if you pardon the pun. Ooffff. I don’t feel sorry for him.

And now Luke has broken into the doctor’s office. And Bridget is here! With a confession?!?!? What is she confessing?!? Oh she won’t marry Gordon. Okay, we knew that. Not much of a confes- ahh dear but it’s about to get steamy with Luke.

But the door just shut. Somethings up. Oh dear. And then a chequebook full of embezzled funds just magically appears. huh. Convenient much.

A hell of a shoe! A clue! A respectable person. Not necessarily a man. But could be a woman? Who can drive? Some of the women might have done it. But the motive. Again with the motive?

Luke is with Mrs Humbleby. Let the interrogation begin! Ahhh. Not good. She mad.

Oh god, the Lordship is insufferable. And he’s just pulled out a ring. Shit what’s happening with the doctor? Not good. Oh crap, he’s fainted, dead, alive. Unknown. Uhoh.

Luke, what’s going on! What’s in the boot of that car. Oh the shoes. The one with the missing heel. Someone’s trying to frame Bridget.

DS Bull: Agatha Christie really knew how to name them didn’t she? Ah, crap - Luke is now a suspect. But the Major is brilliant. He’s got Luke’s back! ;D Wait. I’ve had no reason to suspect the Major. Is this a double bluff?!!

Ahh, breakfast with his lordship. Ew. Oh, he suspects he’s having an affair with Bridget. Which is kinda true, at least emotionally.

Ooo he doesn’t like being associated with being poor does his lordship. God, he needs a smack. And a beating. So he thinks all the deaths are divine providence. I hope he dies. Yah. Bridget is 100% in danger “It takes power to destroy power Bridget, and we have none” poignant.

What’s Luke planning? Is this all, as his lordship says, a matter of religion? nope. dont give me all that Elisha and the bear stuff… uh oh. The ladies now hear him and now have him and he’s just been arrested. Thats what you get for delighting in the deaths of others.

Shit is the Lordship a murderer. Damn. And the knife is missing. And Miss Wainefleet is a little mad. Ah, shit what she done! Bridgets in danger, someone get Bridget!

Wow. Miss Wainefleet is insane. Oh, and Bridget is Luke’s Ikenga. Wow. What a climax.

Oh, good Bridget isn’t marrying that Lord. Is she going with Luke? Nope- he’ll go back to Nigeria. Oh, what a bad ending, forgive me - that’s just the romantic in me. fighting for independence is a noble cause.


BBC Murder is Easy: Episode 1