Feel Good Episode 5

We’re near the end of season one chaps, and what a ride it has been. Im hoping this episode is a lot like last episode. Which was sweet and adorable and a lot less red flags all over the place. It looked like George and Mae were starting to get their shit together so to speak. And, though still strained, Mae’s relationship with her parents is looking up. However, this is a new episode and a new day. Anything could happen.

Oo who is Arnie Rivers, ahhh a comedian who is popular. Eww catch phrases and action movies and… does George have a little crush? And is Mae jealous? Oooo a crush book. Yikes. But why is Arnie coming to the ‘Gag Bin’ where Mae works? Ahh he’s a former addict. I get it now. his career failed and he’s starting again.

Ooo and group and its family day! And George is there and so is Lava! And someone brought their accountant…. Right okay. Fun times. Brenda, how does your husband help? He’s always there for her. Lava is like -no he’s enabling her…. And it looks like Lava is in it for the long haul with her mum. Awww. And how does George help? “I brought a strap on and pay for most of our Ubers” oh George that’s hilarious. But Mae is happy that she came. George is trying. In more ways than one. “We’re older than most waiters”

Now its the club and everyones psyched because Arnie is looking for an opener for his tour! Amazing exposure. Oh my Mae and Arnie are having a sarcasm-off. “do you remember what it feel like to be current-and relevant” oh damn. You know what that works and Arnie likes her. Nice 

Arnie’s set is unusual and he’s buying the house a drink. Extravagant much. But even Mae now thinks he’s kinda cool. And tall. 

Oh no, Mae asks if they broke up would George date more girls or go back to boys… and George says Boys! And Mae… I mean this is all hypothetical… right? But Mae is sad. And NO MAE DON’T TAKE THAT!!!! Of for the love of all that is holy.

Oo hello Phil! We’ve missed Phil and he’s great with kids, and Mae is being generous and is buying everyone’s lunch… and her card has been declined… huh. Unusual.

Mae is looking at the mirror and she’s trying on a dress and she feels awkward and looks it too, but then George walks in and starts talking about babies and Westlife? And Binky is living the life of her dreams… hun I don’t think Mae wants to hear that right now… and what is that? Oh right, its a strap on. Mae is wearing a strap on. Okay.

And George why are still going about living in a dream house for crying out loud. And Mae is not letting George move… hmm the “cum inside me” and Mae cannot. What’s going on… Mae thought she was being what George wanted, because Mae isn’t the dream person that George wanted. But George just wants her to be herself. Is Mae okay? 

Phil. Please don’t give George your sperm. Oh wait what’s this?!?!? George knows about Mae taking some of Georges pills!!!! What?!?!?! So  Mae might be feeling vulnerable so Phil suggests George goes to see Mae’s show… which she does nice one :)

Maes at her next gig and she doesn’t feel very positive about her gender so Arnie decides to challenge Mae to take that and writing a set about it. Honesty will set you free. Apparently. So lets see how Mae’s new set goes. The honesty challenge. Let's do this!

Ooo and its all new stuff: ahh stuff about fluid sexuality..l and now stuff about George, who is straight and she tired because she’s trying to be what George wants.. is it relatable? And she’s now talking about their sex life… and its not funny and George is there and this is not good. “She doesn’t love me for who I am, she loves me despite who I am” uh oh, well when you’re in hole… sure, why not keep digging until it turns into a grave. Because George is in tears… and Mae doesn’t wear colour only black because… she’s a girl and want to appear more ‘male’ I guess? Ooff this is rough.

But Arnie wants Mae to open for him on tour! Whoop!  And… Arnie is doing coke… and now he’s asking some inappropriate questions… about his dick… which is harassment. And Nick is asking Arnie to leave. Oh wait and Mae is just finding out that George was here and she is in big trouble. 

“They’re just jokes” but were they Mae! Were they? 

George asks “Do I make you happy” 

Mae: “well I’m in love with you” 

“that’s not what I asked” but Mae isn’t happy. Is Mae addicted to George? Is there anything that isn’t Georges responsibility, her gender, her outlook on life, what colours she wears? 

Mae: “Is it true that no matter how good I am, it won’t be enough”- for the long haul? Ouch. Its sad that there are some deep rooted insecurities here, is it because Mae doesn’t know who or what she/they is? Or because George is culturally straight? 

But then it all come to head when George says she wants kids and marriage, but hold on Mae wants these things too! Does George think that it’s not possible for her and Mae? Oh crap are they ending it?!?!?! Wait, WHAT?!

“But you told me you loved me first…that was the best moment of my life!” I think that’s the most heart breaking line I’ve ever heard. And Mae’s left and has… gone to Lava’s house. Uh oh. 

Role on episode 6 and fix this nonsense!


Feel Good Episode 6


Feel Good Episode 4