An we are back with Episode 4!

George has awoken to the reckoning of her love-struck-strap-on confession to Mae. And it’s great. She was high. But we’ll forgive her. Mae is Face-Timing her mum (Lisa Kudrow moment!) and the cat Solomon is dead. And they’re in the UK Blackpool. And they didn’t tell Mae. Lol. So, Mae decides she’s coming to Blackpool! Woooo

 And it’s group! Oh, the ornamental pears again. What’s step nine? Ah we need to make amends and there’s a 12-step plan for apologising. And Maggie is here explaining it and well Maggie felt better and so did Lava, so it ended happily there, and Mae defo wants that happy reunion with her parents. Or just her mum. Dad seems okay- I think.

Ah George and Lava are meeting… oh damn. Instant judgement. And wait George is surprised that Mae is going Blackpool. “Please will you hug me!” George you’re adorable! Less red flags here guys I’m liking this. 

 So, they’re off to Blackpool! Whoop! And Mae is nervous. That’s sweet! The unspoken agreement. That’s harsh. They don’t speak about the 11 years where Mae was a mess and also don’t disagree with Mae’s mother. AND LISA LUDROW IS HERE IN THE FLESH THIS IS AMAZING. And yes! She is iconic. Nice one George. 

 You know as first meetings with the parents go, not bad. And cockles. Why cockles? 

 Oh, and the apology. Wow here we go. And Lisa’s in the middle of her scotch egg. Aka. Don’t disturb me in the middle of my scotch egg. I want to focus on my scotch egg and not what I think is coming next. Silence. But amends accepted. But it doesn’t feel like it. I think Lisa is mad. Like real mad. And Mae is confused. 

 At the restaurant. And Mae is really hounding the whole drug thing. “She’s always had a very addictive personality” says Lisa whilst pouring the LARGEST glass of chardonnay I’ve ever seen. But at least they like George? (Also why are they drinking Chardonnay out of red wine glasses?)

 But back to Solomon and there are a lot of toasts going on here. It’s intense. It’s actually funny. Everyone’s making one and they’re all standing. Huh.

 Dear lord why are they singing Jerusalem? Oh, it’s scattering ceremony. Mae. Hun. Maybe stop. And the 10min silence is going to be interesting. Oh, Mae grabs the ashes and. They. Just fall. Into the sand. And not taken by the wind. Oh, that’s awkward. Moment ruined.

 Ooo a ghost train! Who doesn’t love a ghost train an old-fashioned cheesy ghost train? Perfect place for a discussion with one’s mother about addiction and other issues. Amazing.  Lisa is not having any of it. And she points out that Mae had all the advantages on the world. But Mae is saying she’s a victim. But Lisa is not impressed. Always back to the pears. She really liked those pears. And how many times does Mae have to say, “I never touched those fucking pears”. It all ends in tears, or in this case “Are you on drugs?” Yikes Lisa doesn’t hold back. 

According to Lisa Mae loves the idea of love itself. Oh, there’s a type. Mae likes heterosexual girls and Lisa gives their relationship a month. Harsh. It’s not really fair and now George is really worried. Because, well, she loves Mae.

Ooo a pride bar. Yes, George all the double G’n’Ts. George babe relax. Also stop with the verbal diarrhoea Hun. Not cool. Especially to strangers. Also is Mae slightly masochistic? For, you know, chasing straight women? 

 Ahhh dad and Mae. How are they similar, Lisa and Mae.? Well according to dad they’re both strong impulsive stubborn women. (Nice. That’s true.) As well as passionate and they wear their hearts on their sleeves. Dad says Lisa followed Mae everywhere, when she was going through her addictions. She knew Mae’s every move. And yeah, she’s mad. Who wouldn’t be? Because it’s not easy being a parent. I love this. And dad says: go find George. 

(Also damn that sunset. I need to go to Blackpool) 

 Awww they’re together again. And they’re going to sleep in a beach hut. ‘Maybe I can be dangerous’ nice George. And the hut is cute. And they’re wearing swimming gear. Love that. Does Mae think about her exes. Yes and no. What’s different this time? Because George feels odd… Vulnerable, like if Mae isn’t holding her - she might float away… oh dear. Panic is setting in. Oh George, it’s going to be fine. Just don’t give a damn about what people like Binky think and you’ll be okay. Hugs.

 So how is this different. Mae? So, Mae hasn’t felt in the right place and maybe be in some other place and she’s been with people who love her, but she feels restless but when she lies next to George she feels still and quiet. She is the place. George is the place that Mae has been running behind. ‘I will never break up with you’ and ideally George would never break up with Mae. But George is asleep. Adorable. 

But how will Mae deal with the parents? You can’t force things hun. Maybe try a different approach? 

 Ooo. What’s this? What will Mae say?!? Ooo an article about black holes. Right. 12 billion light years away. Okay. And you know what that… does the trick. And Lisa cools down and opens up a little. Nice. And George has the cockles for dad. This is adorable. 

 Oo. Lisa thinks George is rude. And Mae and George will stay a little longer and they go dancing. Because this is Blackpool and that’s what this place is known for. Yes! 

 I liked this episode. This was great. More please. That’s an order!  


Feel Good Episode 5


Feel Good Episode 3