The Pursuit of Love Episode 2

ANNNNNd we are back with episode 2! This one is gonna be a whirlwind. I can tell. I mean I know, I’ve read the bloody book. And that was a wild ride. So I know this will be a heady descent into the ever evolving ever changing falling-down-the-rabbit-hole of Linda’s life and her worship of ‘love’. I’ll try not to waffle too much. No promises, mind.

Okay so a lot is going on in this episode. Basically it picks up right where we left of: Linda has married Tony and it turns out he is a thumping bore. And so are his family. Well not only that but you get some ‘oh my god I married an idiot’ vibes from Tony. Not cool. And thus it disintegrates like cotton candy in water. Ooff its tough to watch. Linda has a child, and does she even like her child? Apparently not. I mean fairs, she was horribly sick after she had the child and was told to not have another one and also there’s the name. Moira. Personally I think there’s nothing wrong with the name Moira, but, Fanny and Linda find it ‘Ghastly’. But I do feel bad for Linda, like she had no choice over the child’s name. Furthermore, it is a little macabre to name a the baby after a child who was murdered by your now sister-in-law.

But thank ye gods Lord Merlin appears and takes Linda out on the town to nightclubs, bars, introduces her to a new crowd known as ‘The Chatters’. It is funny how he finds her, her child Moira is wailing at the top of her lungs and Merlin walks in like ‘what are you doing?!’ true there are animals on Linda’s bed and she goes ‘reading to my babies’. Oh the irony. but back to ‘The Chatters’, Bright young things who do nothing but chat about nothing in particular. Well, at least she’s having fun?

Ooo but now we have a garden party and Moira has grown up and she is kinda pretty I must say, but then this bizarre blue haired lady appears and then sees Fanny and Linda and hides in a bush. Amazing. Turns out that’s Tonys mistress and Moira adores her. But that’s just the side note I'm afraid, because who-is-this-brash-anti-fascist-rolled-up-sleeved-man over there at the end of the table? Its Christian and he is the communist that Linda is about to run off with. She ends up just spouting a load of communist manifesto magic around the place, much to the horror of Tony and all his capitalist friends who really, and I mean REALLY like money. But before that we have… more montages! And I see… many communist images flash before me. Im not describing them, but I did recognise Orwell (I can’t type and watch at the same time guys!) So now Linda is divorced and she’s about to run off to Spain to help fight the fascists, except they’re winning… awkward. And even more awkward Lavender is there and she’s in love with Christian and Christian is in love with Lavender and Linda is just this massive miserable mess. But being honest here, Linda has always been a big miserable mess. Its what happens when you go chasing after the idea of love, mix that in with disappointing men and voila! Nothing but pain. So Linda runs away. Again. And fanny is all a mess because she’s is settled in Oxford to a very nice very sweet Oxford don who is very particular, he bumbles along and maybe isn’t… Okay he definitely isn’t the most romantic person in the world, but I think he loves Fanny. He just has a very odd, but endearing way of showing it. Awww.

But wait back to Linda and she’s made it to Paris, but her ticket ran out yesterday.. oh damn. She mad. Okay not mad because… WOOOOOOW she is wailing like a baby. Not in a ‘oh-my-word-what-in-the-heaven-am-i-going-to-do-but-make-it-funny’ way. A really ugly ‘woe is me’ kinda way. And would the man who is laughing at her please stop! But no it's that really handsome guy we all know from ‘call my agent’. And he whisks her away. As Alfred (Fanny’s husband-that sweet Oxford don chap) says ‘She always lands on her feet, Linda’. Honestly Linda is a bit like a cat, I swear you could throw the cat (Linda) from the edge of space and it would land on all fours like nothings happened. Okay maybe not the edge of space but you get my meaning. Finally, am I the only one here who thinks that Lord Merlin is a little bit, but-actually-very-much-in-love with Linda? But that chaps, was episode two, roll on the third and final chapter!


The Pursuit of Love Episode 3


The Pursuit of Love Episode 1