The Pursuit of Love Episode 3

Here we are, the last episode in this trilogy of madness chasing after that elusive slippery mistress: Love. Its been a ride, not the fun day-out-at-disneyland kinda ride. The other one, the one that gives you whiplash.

Linda is having a smashing time in Paris, not really thinking much about what’s going on around her, I mean Fabrice is there to distract her… and shopping. Lots and lots of shopping. I mean I won’t lie, the wardrobe department did a fab job in turning Linda into this chic 1930’s Parisian. So you know how in the first episode Lord Merlin (Andrew Scott) and his set all came to Lousia’s Ball all dressed up as classic Commedia Dell’Arte characters? Well the dress she’s wearing when confronted by Fanny, Davey and Lord Merlin is very reminiscent of the Commedia Dell’Arte look. She’s finally part of that set, but French.

Now as much as I want to share in Linda’s sojourn in Paris, there is a war on. And the day has finally come for Fabrice to get Linda back to Chelsea. Oh its sad, we basically just watch Linda waiting. And its heartbreaking to watch, she waits and waits for the phone to ring, a letter to come and then BOOOM out of the blue he is here at her front door! Oh sweet lovely reunion… ahh it warms the soul. But as soon as he is here, he leaves again. But not without saying that he loves her! Is this it? Is this the man who is the love of her life? In the words of Linda, Fabrice gave her five months of happiness, but is that all? What a life has Linda led!

But back to the war, Linda has a daughter, she’s cute i’ll give Moira that, but wooooow she has, under Tony Kroesig, become a right wing sprouting little madam. And not the I-vote-conservative kinda right wing, no more the I-vote-for-the-national-front kinda right wing. Tony really likes Hitler. REALLY likes Hitler and thinks we should be fighting WITH the Germans not against them. But he’s chicken and so he’s running away to America, with Pixie and Moira in tow.

Let’s be honest Linda is not a fan of Moira, apparently she didn’t want to get too attached to her because she’d be an anchor to the Kroesig’s and thaaatttt would be bad. Hella bad. But wait! Oh Linda, she’s pregnant again and Fanny is, well true to her name, fanny-ing about because Linda shouldn’t have another baby. It may kill her. Eh! doctors what do they know?

Ah see now we’re all caught up. Linda and Fanny are back in Alconleigh. And so is the Bolter. Oh joy. Fanny’s mother. They have… issues. Clearly. But at least Uncle Matthew is prepared for when the Germans come, he’s gone mental and is training everyone how to defend the germans should they invade on the front lawn. He’s also trying to convince them that they need to blow up the food store. Because he doesn’t want any of the German army being fed. Linda is, at least, on his side. But waaaiiitt a second. Somethings up, and somethings up with Fanny too. Ooohhh their babies are on the way! 

I was not prepared for that ending in the book and I have to admit that no amount of mental preparation did the same for this series either. And I think I’m right, by the way, Lord Merlin was in love with Linda-at least that’s how they framed it in this series. Plon-Plon went to him instead of Fanny. Its quite touching really. A good way to end this series. But really, what an ending.


‘Feel Good’ Episode 1


The Pursuit of Love Episode 2