Spicy Sweet Potato and Squash Soup

The days are getting darker and the temperature is plummeting. It’s cold outside which means now is the time to bring out the lumpy jumpers and hunt around the cupboards for your hot water bottle. In the kitchen the stove is on full blast cooking up stews and pies, good old fashioned hearty meals to chase away the cold that has slowly creeped in. Now usually I like to put something sweet on this page, but as the days are getting darker it’s time to make something tasty, wholesome and warming. Here is the recipe for my sweet potato and squash soup, its tasty and warming, perfect for a windy, wet and cold winter’s day.


1 cube vegetable stock

1 Red Pepper

1 Butternut Squash 

1 Sweet Potato 

Chilli Flakes

2 cloves of garlic 

1 1/2 pints of water 

1 pack of on the Vine Tomatoes 


Pre heat your oven to 200 degrees

Line a roasting tray with tin foil

Roughly cut up your cloves of garlic and spread them on the baking tray 

Start by pealing and dicing your squash and sweet potato 

Slice up your red peppers and add them to the tray

Add your tomatoes too, I like to keep them on the vine. If you don’t have on the vine tomatoes regular cherry tomatoes will do too!

Cover all the veggies in a generous amount of olive oil, salt, pepper and chilli flakes 

Roast in the oven for 30 mins.

Once out of the oven, add your veggies to a pot, be sure to take the tomatoes off the vine! 

Turn the stove on to a low heat.

Get a potato masher and start mashing all your veggies down.

Add the veggie stock cube to your 1 1/12 pint of boiling water and add to the mashed veggies.

Get your food processor ( I have an electric whisk that has blades on) and whirl your mashed veggies and stock in a smooth puree like concoction.

Serve with a warm baguette and enjoy!


Mince Pies


Floofy Pancakes